My happy 1 year old!!
My baby just had her 1st birthday, and I am pregnant again!! What? I know crazy right, but we will get back to that one ( the pregnancy that is.) So we had Kelly's 1st bday party on saturday and it was a lot of fun. Kelly loves all her new toys and had a great time eating her cupcake. Thankfully auntie Kate was able to take some great pictures of that for me.More family news: My mom has a second breast cancer surgery tomorrow to remove the remaining cancers cells, hopefully they will get it all this time. :) Let's pray they do. I really hope this is the last surgery and she can get on with the treatment, which is unknow at this time what that will be. Most likely radiation. Please pray for a sucsessful surgery tomorrow. :))
Also we found out a few weeks ago that we are having another baby. I am due May 10th. Pretty shocking, but exciting. Scott and I are hoping for a boy, but really we don't care. Just another healthy baby is all we hope for. :)
So basically that is about it for now. Just enjoying the fall smells and colors! Gotta get me some Chai tea.